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Pigs Can Fly

Hello. Its me. Maybe you know me. Maybe you don’t. Maybe few people know who we actually are. Maybe no one actually really knows us. We never had a “chat” before. Maybe you don’t care and I don’t blame you. Maybe you are curious. Maybe you are caught between boredom or a break. Or maybe you are interested. But I have something to say to you today of all days.

Today is the day that I feel that I need to introduce myself again to the world.

Somebody gave me a present. A small pig with wings. Crazy right? Pigs don’t fly. I was looking at it in my small office pilled with papers, day in - day out and it was the only thing that was making smile. I started imagine this pig growing big or me going small (whatever was more easy) and climbing on its back to get out of that miserable office. Dangerous thoughts, fly and go where?

When my misery hit on and my depressive mood was taking over I was hoping that this pig would eventually come to my rescue. Each and every day I was saying: Tomorrow. And that Tomorrow was never coming. It became Hours, Days, Months, Years. I tried to hide that little annoying pig in my drawer, but I caught myself opening the drawer to get a glimpse of my “what ifs”.

Then I came to terms that know one is going to save me, not even that cute little pig can give me the excuse to escape. Could I compromise my life so much and doing a job that I hate till my dying days? Well I knew the answer long before. So I took a deep breath, took my flying pig and left. We stepped together out of our comfort zone. When the door closed a burden lifted from my shoulders and all the negative emotions of frustration, injustice and even hate of certain circumstances vanished. Immediately everything was just another lifetime that I would never regret leaving behind me.

When you are stepping out of this big wall called comfort zone, I have to tell you no matter how many quotes you read online and have them on your Pinterest board you have to be prepared. For the ups and downs, for the roller coaster ride. It’s a big struggle and it takes strength to look up yourself in the mirror and realize that something is wrong and that you have to fix it. I was avoiding looking myself in the mirror and pretended that everything is ok. Salary comes in salary goes out and that is what life is about- security correct? Go to school, study, find a secure job, have a family, have a house and die. Who has the f***** manual of life and instructions? What can be more important in this one life we have other than be healthy and happy? No manual, no instructions, no guidelines. Ask this question to yourself in all aspects of life: Are you really happy or just really comfortable?

The only person that can define your path and design your life plan is YOU. So please be supportive to people that take that big step out of their comfort zone and stop giving them the “are you crazy” look. Let them be and they may surprise you with their new perspective.

For those that have already stepped out their comfort zones or thinking about it I want to tell you that its ok to be scared but don’t let fear prevent your growth. Be decisive and never give up because when you find what you love it won’t kill you, it will give you a new life.

Until we meet again,

Peace and Love


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